All posts by Greg McElhatton

One more training run

Start time: 2/27/2016, 7:02 am
Location: National Mall, Southwest Waterfront, Navy Yard, Anacostia Riverfront Trail, Capitol Hill, H St NE
Distance: 12.32 miles
Average pace: 10:26 min/mile
Total Miles For February: 63 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 146 miles
Current Shoes: 273 miles

Last training run before the race, but Armand, Steve, and I pushed through the whole darn thing. Victory!

Forgotten Run pt 1

Start time: 2/25/2016, 5:41 & 6:01 am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 2.02 & 5.35 miles
Average pace: 8:43 & 10:01 min/mile
Total Miles For February: 51 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 134 miles
Current Shoes: 261 miles

Aaaaaaaaaaaand this is the point where I forgot to write these entries for two months, so for more of them there will be no description because I can’t  remember that far back. Brilliant.

Pleasantly Balmy

Start time: 2/22/2016, 5:40 & 6:01 am
Location: National Mall, Capitol Hill
Distance: 2.02 & 5.35 miles
Average pace: 8:25 & 9:38 min/mile
Total Miles For February: 44 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 44 miles
Current Shoes: 254 miles

Balmy weather for February (40 degrees!), enough that I took my hat off for the second half of the run because it was actually a little too warm. I suspect this won’t last but it’s a pleasant change for an early morning run.

Return to Saturdays

Start time: 2/20/2016, 7:07 am
Location: National Mall, SW Waterfront
Distance: 10.05 miles
Average pace: 10:13 min/mile
Total Miles For February: 37 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 37 miles
Current Shoes: 247 miles

Finally back to a Saturday morning run! Ran 10 miles total; 6 with Stephanie, 8 with Ben, 10 with Steve. The war of attrition is real, it seems. It was good to get double digits under my belt again. Next Saturday will most likely be 12 as a gearing up for a half marathon two weeks later.

Shakey’s Run?

Start time: 2/15/2016, 8:00 am
Location: LAX Airport
Distance: 6.02 miles
Average pace: 9:09 min/mile
Total Miles For February: 27 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 27 miles
Current Shoes: 237 miles

Planned on running while out of town, but only squeezed in this one run the morning of the last day. On the bright side, it was outside instead of on the treadmill, so that’s a victory. Also it turns out Shakey’s Pizza still exists. I had no idea any were left.

Last Chance (Before Trip) Run

Start time: 2/8/2016, 5:39 & 6:00 am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 2.03 & 5.42 miles
Average pace: 8:32 & 9:56 min/mile
Total Miles For February: 21 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 21 miles
Current Shoes: 231 miles

One last morning run with the guys before heading out of town. Bundled up a bit, but not too bad. No complaints!

More of the Melt

Start time: 2/3/2016, 5:42 & 6:00 am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 2.03 & 5.42 miles
Average pace: 8:42 & 9:50 min/mile
Total Miles For February: 14 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 14 miles
Current Shoes: 224 miles

Still no dipping below freezing, although it was misty and it felt like there was more of a chill in the air than there really was. Opted for pants and a jacket this morning even though it was numerically the same temperature as Monday. Supposedly it’ll get up to 60 degrees and rain later today, so with any luck that’ll knock out the rest of the snow once and for all.

Next stop, mud pit.

The Melt

Start time: 2/1/2016, 5:40 & 6:01 am
Location: National Mall, Capitol Hill
Distance: 2.05 & 5.36 miles
Average pace: 9:00 & 10:25 min/mile
Total Miles For February: 7 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 7 miles
Current Shoes: 217 miles

Some slightly warmer weather moved in, but the best thing about this run wasn’t being able to wear shorts (although that was nice!) but rather, that since Saturday morning, it hadn’t dipped back below freezing. So as the melt progresses, there’s less worry about ice slicks forming on sidewalks overnight. Hurrah!

Back Outdoors, Finally (but still not great conditions)

Start time: 1/30/2016, 7:07 am
Location: National Mall, Hains Point
Distance: 8.27 miles
Average pace: 10:32 min/mile
Total Miles For January: 83 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 83 miles
Current Shoes: 210 miles

After a week off due to snow, finally running again, and finally back outdoors. A lot of starting and stopping due to ice and packed snow, but at least we were moving.