Category Archives: treadmill

Travel and Treadmills

Start time: 9/16/2014 & 9/18/2014, 6:00am
Location: Nameless Facility Gym
Distance: 6.4 miles x2
Average pace: 9:23 min/mile
Total Miles For September: 22 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 573 miles
Current Shoes: 130 miles

I was on a business trip this week, one in a secure location which limited where I could and could not run. To top it off, it was on a mountain and which was not meant for people to walk from place to place. In short, there was nowhere to really run for more than half a mile. So… to the dreaded treadmill, alas.

Revenge of the Dreaded Treadmill

Start time: 8/4/2014, 4:45pm
Location: WSC Silver Spring
Distance: 6.15 miles
Average pace: 9:28 min/mile
Total Miles For August: 16 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 481 miles
Current Shoes: 38 miles

Oh, how I hate the treadmill. I had to skip this morning’s run in favor of some more sleep, though; then I had to scratch running outdoors after work due to the Code Orange level of air quality. So, the treadmill it was. Better than nothing.


Start time: 5/27/2014, 5:00pm
Location: WSC Silver Spring
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 9:50min/mile
Total Miles For May: 58 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 296 miles
Current Shoes: 94 miles

Came down with a nasty crud on Thursday, and only got to the point today where I’d shaken it enough to feel up to exercising again. Just ran 4 on the treadmill to get things moving again. So far, so good.

Crappy Treadmill

Start time: 4/30/2014, 5:30pm
Location: WSC Silver Spring
Distance: 2 miles
Average pace: 10:30min/mile
Total Miles For April: 70 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 238 miles
Current Shoes: 36 miles

Tried to run at the gym to avoid the rain and it was awful, just awful. Overheated almost instantly, was drenched in about a half mile, nothing was working right. Aborted the run at the 2 mile point before I did anything worse to myself.

Back in the saddle

Start time: 3/31/2014, 5:00pm
Location: WSC Silver Spring
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 9:45min/mile
Total Miles For March: 40 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 168 miles
Current Shoes: 234 miles

Start time: 4/2/2014, 5:40am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 6.26 miles
Average pace: 10:10min/mile
Total Miles For April: 6 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 174 miles
Current Shoes: 240 miles

Took two weeks off after my race to let my left Achilles tendon (which was bothering me a bit) rest up and heal. Monday’s run was on a treadmill in case I needed to bail, but no real problems. Wednesday’s was back with Steve and Ben, and I was definitely feeling a tiny bit out of shape but overall not too bad. I appreciated the 46 degree weather if nothing else! So much better than 26 degrees…

Hotel Treadmill x 2

Start time: 2/13/2014, 7:30am
Location: LAX Marriott
Distance: 6.49 miles
Average pace: 9:15min/mile
Total Miles For February: 40 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 98 miles
Current Shoes: 164 miles

Start time: 2/14/2014, 8:00am
Location: LAX Marriott
Distance: 6.49 miles
Average pace: 9:15min/mile
Total Miles For February: 46 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 104 miles
Current Shoes: 170 miles

I’d hoped to get an outdoor run on the weekend while in LA, but events conspired against me. Ah well. For treadmill runs, at least, not too bad.

Another treadmill

Start time: 2/6/2014, 4:30pm
Location: WSC Clarendon
Distance: 6.47 miles
Average pace: 9:16min/mile
Total Miles For February: 18 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 76 miles
Current Shoes: 142 miles

Have you ever felt like a month is going to be a lot of treadmills? That’s this month. (Although in this case it was partially for convenience so that I could work in a run between work and seeing Richard III last night.)

More Treadmilling

Start time: 1/28/2014
Location: WSC Silver Spring
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 9:38min/mile
Total Miles For January: 52 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 52 miles
Current Shoes: 118 miles

Start time: 1/30/2014, 6:00am
Location: WSC Clarendon
Distance: 6.24 miles
Average pace: 9:37min/mile
Total Miles For January: 58 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 58 miles
Current Shoes: 124 miles

Had some awful stomach issues this week, so Tuesday ran just 4 miles to make sure everything was ok. (It was, phew.) Thursday went back up to the normal distance, also with no issues. Am now on Prilosec that should hopefully let everything heal back up.

Return to the Treadmill

Start time: 1/25/2014, 8:15m
Location: WSC Silver Spring
Distance: 8 miles
Average pace: 9:33min/mile
Total Miles For January: 48 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 48 miles
Current Shoes: 114 miles

Oh, treadmill. You are no beloved friend of mine, but when it’s 24 degrees out with a windchill of 6, you are somewhat acceptable.