Fourth of July Pennyfarthing

Start time: 7/4/2014, 10:30am
Location: Sligo Creek Park, Silver Spring
Distance: 8 miles
Average pace: 9:50 min/mile
Total Miles For July: 14 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 399 miles
Current Shoes: 197 miles

Decided to go for a run today since I’m pretty sure it’s not happening tomorrow. Despite a late start, the weather outside was so mild (for this time of year in DC, it seems to normally be in the high 90s) that it worked out well. Ran through Sligo Creek Park and back, then up to Silver Spring to meet Charlie at the WSC (where he was working out) to take a shower and run some errands from there.

But most importantly, while in Sligo Creek, I came across the most awesome cyclist I’ve seen in quite a while.
