“You know that spring in my step I had last time we went running? It’s not there today.”

Start time: 07/11/06, 7:00pm
Location: Clarendon and the Custis Trail
Distance: 4.25 miles
Average pace: 10:36min/mile

I finally got back out to the Pacers group and it felt nice to do so. Well, despite the sweltering heat. When I left the house, the weather was saying it was 89 degrees, but that with the humidity it felt like 96 degrees. Eek. What was I thinking?

And yet, there I was. Chris was there as well, and the two of us headed out. The head of the run said that people could go up to 7 miles if they wanted, but we wisely stuck to the tried-and-true trail. The quote in the subject line was something said by Chris, but we pushed each other along. Considering how horrendously hilly (it’s out of control, to put it mildly) and hot it was, I felt like we did a good job. Add in that I’m still getting back up to speed, I consider my splits (9:18, 10:16, 11:39, 10:50, 2:30) not too bad at all. Only about 15 seconds off of last time.