Short belated run

Start time: 09/20/06, 8:00am
Location: Arlington Boulevard Trail
Distance: 2.5 miles
Average pace: 8:31min/mile

The original plan was to go running with Pacers yesterday, but I wasn’t feeling up for the run (or really anything) by the time I got home from work yesterday. When I found myself falling asleep in my easy chair while waiting for “Boston Legal” to start I decided this was a hint to just go to bed and run in the morning. It was a short—really short—dash around the neighborhood because I didn’t get the early start I was hoping for, but it’s better than not running at all in my book.

2 thoughts on “Short belated run

  1. At least you got out there… mentally it was a victory even if it wasn’t the longest or the most substance run all week. Although your pace is pretty decent, I wouldn’t snub at that.

    Next time you get a run like this, why not do 800 meter intervals! Finish just as fast and the distance is about right for something quick!

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