“Um… where are we?”

Start time: 10/05/06, 7:00pm
Location: Old Town Alexandria
Distance: 5.5 miles
Average pace: 8:54min/mile

Tonight was another new course; now that it’s getting darker out, it’s not safe to run the other course on Thursdays so this new one sent us through Old Town Alexandria, as well as some industrial sort of wasteland along Eisenhower Avenue. Only the the thing is… we weren’t sure where we were supposed to turn around. We were told the course was five miles, and given a landmark… but where was it?

When we finally did hit it, we turned around and decided to come back on the other side of Eisenhower Ave. Only there wasn’t sidewalk for a stretch of the highway. And oh yeah, a big metal fence along the edge of the road. And an 18-wheeler heading right for us. Whoops! (Don’t worry, we survived thanks to hugging the fence.) Turns out it was actually 5.5 miles, not too shabby.

Afterwards I pitied any future boyfriends I may have; I was humming as I put dinner in the oven, and outright singing by the time I got into the shower. After a good run? Top of the world, no doubt about that.


3 thoughts on ““Um… where are we?”

  1. “pity?” since you were the one:
    1) Making Dinner
    2) Showering, so you are hygenic most days
    3) Running to make you healthier

    a little singing might be tolerated…

      1. I dunno… there is that raw and earthly quality to that post race sweat. Now, don’t get me wrong… not showering for days (which I am guilty of, re: newborns and no sleep) is pretty gross. I had a girlfriend whose sweaty (not profusely… or maybe after a cool down, was kinda sexy).

        But you are probably right… nonrunners don’t always get runners… well, until we convert them.

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