Old Familiar Territory

Start time: 7/1/07, 8:00am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 6 miles
Average pace: 8:34min/mile

It’s been ages since I ran across the National Mall to the National Gallery and then back up to Georgetown, so that was a nice surprise this Sunday. We were supposed to run a tempo run for this 6-miler, so an 8:30pace was my approximate time I was shooting for. The group in front of us shot out of the gate really fast, and Zack and I made the mistake of trying to get around them. Oof. We hit our first mile way too fast and spent the rest of the run paying for it. The other four caught up to us around mile 2, and we were just a couple feet behind them until mile 4, at which point they made it across the light at 17th Street and Zack and I narrowly missed it. A solid minute later and then some… yeah, there’s no catching them at that point.

But a very, very nice run even though we were both more than a little wiped out at the end… but in a good way. I think.

1 thought on “Old Familiar Territory

  1. I think we all started off too fast. I need to drag someone out of bed earlier so that we have time to stretch before we rock the runs. It was a great day for the runs, I pulled a 9:40 myself.

    Next time, yoga mat. The ground did my knees no favors.

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