Hotel Treadmill, yay

Start time: 2/14/09, 9:00am
Location: LAX Marriott
Distance: 7 miles
Average pace: 9:09min/mile
Total Miles For February: 36 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 81 miles

Yay for a small mileage Saturday! I ended up not running on Thursday due to being at Disneyland all day (and walking all over it), but it all worked out well… or rather, as well as it can despite being on a treadmill while it was cold and drizzly outside. Only minor inconvenience I had was when the treadmill hit 60 minutes and kept trying to go into “cool down mode.” I was so close to the end I just kept pushing the speed back up, which worked as well as it could. I’d felt a little bleah on Thursday and Friday, but this really kicked me back into high gear.