Not Very Smart

Start time: 3/3/09,7:00pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 2.5 miles
Average pace: 7:49min/mile
Total Miles For March: 2.5 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 119.5 miles

I have year-round allergies, and normally if I’m going running I have done at least one of the following: taken an afternoon dose of my allergy medicine, flushed my sinuses out with a neti pot, taken some sprays of Asmanex. Guess which of these I did today? That’s right, none of them.

I ended up terminating the run after 2.5 miles, but on the bright side, I knew after mile 2 that I wasn’t going to stick around much longer so I at least made it count. Ah well.

8:02, 7:48, 3:41