More Than Expected

Start time: 4/3/10, 7:00am
Location: North Arlington, Tidal Basin
Distance: 7.4 miles
Average pace: 10:28min/mile
Total Miles For April: 12 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 193 miles

A nice easy-going run with the group this morning—we were going to run down to the cherry blossoms and back—and Michael brought his camera for a few photos. The plan was for six miles, but oops… a bit more. We stopped a lot for photos, plus crowds around the Tidal Basin slowed us down a great deal. But it was fun!

(And then, an hour and a half later, I went biking with Ryan. I figured we’d do a dozen or so miles, instead we did 22. Oof. This has been a “more mileage than I was expecting” kind of day.)

The Running Gang! (Well, most of us.)